5 Engaging Videos Your Business Should Be Using

We all want to create video that resonates with and inspires an audience, but which videos are most effective? Does the use of multiple video types really reach more customers or is one form of video enough to successfully market products or services? In this month’s blog we answer these questions by looking at some of the best video formats for captivating viewers, telling the story of your brand, and growing your business! 


One easy way to legitimize your business in the eyes of potential clients is through customer reviews. Simple, quick testimonial videos posted to your website or social accounts let those on the fence about your product or service see themselves in the customer journey without spending any money. If that journey is documented in professional, positive video testimonials, the chances of landing the client increases dramatically. 

Behind the Scenes

There is no better way to show customers “how the sausage is made” than sexy, sleek behind the scenes video. By getting to see you or your team at work, clients realize two things very quickly. First, what you do is difficult. Second, they don’t have the time or expertise to do it themselves. 

Creative Content

Short, creative videos that tell the story of your business are an extremely effective way to engage current and new clients. If done well, these videos show the customer where your product or service fits in THEIR story and how they can’t live without you. As a bonus, these videos add interesting, visual movement that contrasts the more static look of photographs alone. Creative content is a must!

Educational Videos

Another excellent way to reach clients is by using educational videos. By sharing some “tricks of the trade,” you not only show your authority on the subject, but welcome the client into your world. By sharing knowledge, you offer an empathetic look into the difficult nature of your work, while at the same time showing you know EXACTLY how to get it done right.


No video is more powerful at getting new clients than a simple ad with a call to action. Much like creative content, this type of video places you inside the customer’s story and shows them why it’s CRUCIAL they have you stay. Every marketing campaign should include videos that challenge potential clients to choose between using your business or a less successful outcome. 

In reality, while strong on their own, all of the video types mentioned above should be used together for a truly effective marketing plan. If the thought of making these videos seems overwhelming, or you don’t have a clue where to begin, we are here to help. Give us a call or visit our website today to see how we can create professional video that grows your business.

Kaleb Buckner