6 Tips to Grow Your Business with Facebook Video
How come you see so much video on Facebook these days? Whether it is highlights from the latest political debate or a montage of babies and puppies, video is quickly taking over people’s feeds and is the fastest shared medium of content. But the real question is this: How can you and your business take advantage of video marketing? Don’t worry, we’ve compiled a down and dirty list of the best tips on how you can utilize video and Facebook to grow your business.
1. Upload videos directly to Facebook
Videos that are uploaded to Facebook directly instead of shared from platforms like YouTube perform better. Quintly recently stated, "Facebook native videos perform up to 4 times better than all other video formats." Video has over 130% more organic reach than photo posts. Organic reach is basically social media’s version of word of mouth (which is known to be the most powerful marketing method) but is pretty sparse these days with a constantly changing algorithm. All of that to say, if you can improve your organic reach, you’re going to see your business grow.
2. Shock and Awe (5 seconds)
Whether it’s beautiful visuals or humor, you’ve got to capture your audience’s attention within the first 5 seconds. Vidyard has found that "you typically lose the majority of your audience within the first 30 seconds or less." The most important information you could communicate needs to happen in those first 30 seconds before the typical “drop off” occurs.
Pro Tip: The longer the video, the more likely they’re going to give up on finishing it. Less than 1 minute is best.
3. Feature a Video on your Facebook Page
When your fans like your videos, Facebook notices. If there’s a particular product, service or event you’re wanting to highlight, make it your “Featured Video” and pin it to the top of your page. The more people who see this, the more likely it will be shared. You can even upload the video to your “About Section” so that people who are learning about what you do will also have another opportunity to see what’s featured.
4. Provide Context
This should be common knowledge by now, but most businesses forget to give context to the video. We use words to communicate for a reason! Give just a taste of what your video is about without giving it away is vital to getting people to watch. The most watched video on facebook is this. At first it doesn’t look like much more than someone wearing a mask. But her caption was “Its the simple joys in life…” This caption got people dying to see what those simple joys were.
5. Facebook Live
The previous video of Chewbacca Mom was actually shared via Facebook Live. More and more people are tuning in to Facebook Live videos. In last year alone, viewership came in at over 2 BILLION viewers. Facebook Live videos are producing 6 times as many interactions as traditional videos according to 99 Firms and is projected to only increase in 2020. In the same study, they also found that viewers tend to spend 3 times as long watching Live videos as they do uploaded ones. Utilizing Facebook Live for your business is guaranteed to get you more engagement with your audience… and with more engagement, you’ll end up with more fans and a thriving business.
6. Ask (Call To Action)
It may seem uncomfortable to some, but you need to be asking for business. Facebook has the feature to actually add a call-to-action (CTA) when you upload a video. In fact, Facebook has made it extremely easy to add a call-to-action! When uploading your video to your business’s page, the “Add a Call to Action” option will appear. You can choose Shop Now, Book Now, Learn More, or Watch More if you have more content you’d like to send them to. Not including a CTA with your video is like finally getting up the nerve to talk to your crush but never asking them… what’s the point? You can’t be afraid to ASK.
People want to interact, they want to be entertained, they want to be asked, and they want it to be easy. If you’re looking to grow your business, you need to be using Facebook Video to capture your audience. If you found this helpful or would like more help developing effective video marketing to grow your business, please reach out at create@alwaysabounding.net. We’d love to hear from you!